Why I do This
What if someone who understood the struggle of addiction and the power of Jesus Christ felt inspired to offer hope through gaming one's goals? What if they also had a talent for professional storytelling and a spiritual drive to help people? Welcome to Knight Castle Services!
Dear Youth Leader,
The Adversary is after the Noble and Great ones, the youth. I am eternally grateful for the worthy and righteous men and women you are and the courage you have in aiding your ward members. My life has been immeasurably blessed by kind and caring youth leaders as I have tried to navigate this struggle of mortality.
From a young age, I found myself ensnared by the grip of pornography and The Devil's temptations, since the tender age of twelve. Like so many others, I was unprepared and deceived, trapped beneath what felt like a mountain I could never move. With the support of my understanding parents, I began a journey towards recovery.
Despite their best intentions, traditional recovery programs left me feeling adrift. Each passing week felt like I was "white-knuckling" my abstinence, with little to no tangible evidence of progress. It was in this crucible of adversity that the idea for Knight Castle Services was born.

Fosters motivation... using techniques that appeal to the younger generation.
Drawing from my own experiences, years of working as a certified life coach, my education towards becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist, and years of prayer, I sought to create a platform that provides support, fosters motivation, and celebrates every step forward using techniques that appeal to the younger generation through use of technology, roleplay and gaming, and positive social connection, while following the uplifting and values based teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
My mission is this: to guide young men and women struggling with any and all temptations, toward our Savior, Jesus Christ's, aid while infusing the journey with joy and purpose. Anyone who can hold a place of grace and use their agency on purpose is someone Satan cant stand. Let's be Annoyers and Disturbers!

"...It seems as though the adversary was aware, at a very early period of my life, that I was destined to prove a disturber and an annoyer of his kingdom; else why should the powers of darkness combine against me?"
Let's be Annoyers and Disturbers!
I aim to redefine the narrative I lived, proving that redemption through the Savior is not only attainable but can also be accompanied by moments of genuine happiness and fulfillment, two things I felt unworthy of as I struggled.
I believe that ones outlook in recovery could be filled with happiness, joy, and a knowledge that God still loves us even when we struggle with feelings of depression, worthlessness, and utter despair. Recovery can take a long time, so I want to offer a way to have resilience, endurance, and hope in the fight we all face.
In the words of President Nelson
"...the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. ...Joy comes from and because of Him [Jesus Christ]. He is the source of all joy. ...Jesus Christ is joy!"
Consider the impact that drawing young people's focus to our Savior and his joy can have on our community. He (with an assist from you and I) can empower the Noble and Great ones to overcome their trials, to reclaim their worthiness, and to embrace a future filled with hope and promise. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours in the Fight,
KC Broadhead
Director of Knight Castle Services

How Knight Castle Services Works.
Daily Goals
We will aid your youth in making 6, time tested, goals that fulfill the promise in Alma 37:6 "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." These are meant to help put on the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-18) through MANPWR or GRLPWR, goals.
For Men:
M – Minister, How can you minister to those around you in an intentional way?
A - Action and Accountability, How will you be accountable in an edifying way each day? How will you crush satan with the intentional use of your body.
N - No and New Pattern, What will you do to replace porn/your struggle?
P – Pray, Pray in such a way to connect with God.
W - Write a letter to God, Write a letter reconnect with who you are.
R – Read, Get your Spiritual recharge through scriptures or words of the prophets
For Women:
G - God is my Power, What can you do to help see yourself through God’s eyes and connect with your own power?
R - Restore Order, What can you do to restore some order in your life?
L - Let Go, What habit or pattern could you replace with something empowering?
P - Prayer, Pray in such a way to connect with God.
W - Write a letter to God, Write a letter reconnect with who you are.
R – Read, Get your Spiritual recharge through scriptures or words of the prophets
Weekly Therapy
Each week before we begin our 2 hour RPG sessions we will go over therapy tools and their application we have experienced, used, and learned.
Stress Relief and Management
Anxiety Management
Temptation and Urge Conquering
Spiritual Principles
And so much more!
RPG Coaching
Each week in 2 hour sessions we will play RPG's straight from the facilitator's own head and consistent with the values found among faithful Christians. We want to help young men and women learn wisdom and enjoy wholesome activities in youth in a safe place while having fun as Alma 37:35 shows. "O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God."
How it works:
Taking Score: Before we begin playing the facilitator will take everyone's score. (# of MANPWR goals out of 42/# Full Weeks of MANPWR goals/#Lost Battles [how many times they lost to their struggle]/#Lost Battle Analysis [Did they take the time to go over how they lost and how to avoid it next time?]/Church?/Mutual or equivalent?)
Rewards: We will then give them rewards that directly impact the game based on how well they did that week on their goals.
Costs: There are also detriments to their character if they did particularly bad and didn't take the time to look at how they could have done better.
What it Does:
Normalizes the fact that as mortal humans we all struggle but that doesn't mean we cant have fun in life.
Builds brotherhood and comradery between youth so they can aid each other in their struggles as well.
Increased Intelligence. Games like this have evidence to support that they help to increase intelligence, cooperative problem solving skills, increased mental health, more connection each week, improved creativity, and weekly support.
Personal Coaching
If an individual would like to meet with a personal coach during the week to go over something specifically or could use some additional help they can contact us to set up a time to meet!